Are you or someone you know going through a divorce? You are likely not surprised to know how common divorce is in Canada. Unfortunately, divorce statistics have not being tracked by Statistics Canada since 2011. However, we still have interesting data from prior to 2011 and from other sources that do give us some interesting facts and figures for what recent trends look like:
- It is estimated that 40 percent of marriages in Canada will result in a separation or divorce.
- The average duration of a marriage in Canada is estimated to be around 14 years.
- 80 percent of active divorce cases proceed on an uncontested basis. This means that these parties are not litigating in court and agree on the issues or are not contesting their divorce in court.
- The average total cost of a divorce ranges between $1,700 to $15,000. Why such a big range? Divorce cases that proceed in an uncontested manner in court or resolve by way of a Separation Agreement result in lower fees. The higher range represents those cases where parties are litigating their matter in court (this is also known as a contested divorce).
- 20 percent of Canadians have parents that are separation or divorced.
- 66 percent of divorced parties do not have any intention to remarry.
Top reasons why people get separated or divorced
Surveys from different sources have found that there are many reasons for a marriage breakdown. The leading cause of separation or divorce appears to be a clash of values and interests between the parties. This is not unsurprising. Having different values and interests is a major reason for parties to drift apart.
Other common reasons for separation or divorce include abuse, substance abuse issues and adultery.
Regardless of the reason for divorce, the divorce stats show that divorce is a common issue in Canada.
For more information about obtaining a divorce in Ontario, please contact our Toronto divorce lawyer here.
NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER: The material posted on this website is for informational purposes only and should not be relied upon as legal advice. If you need legal advice, please consult with a family lawyer
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Helpful Resources:
Divorce and Separation
Family Justice Services
Child Custody and Access
Spousal Support
Child Support
Division or Equalization of Family Property
Treatment of a Matrimonial Home
Enforcement of Support Payments
Child Protection
Child Adoption