Court Costs in Family Law
Did you know that a successful party in court may be able to recover the court costs associated with litigating?  Family Law cases can range...
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Benefits of Negotiating a Separation Agreement
Negotiating a separation agreement has many advantages over the traditional court process. Going through the family law process during a separation or divorce can be...
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The Treatment of Gifts and Inheritances in Family Law
As many people know, when couples divorce, they usually need to share any increase in the value of their property that was accumulated during the...
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How much does a divorce cost in Ontario?
As a divorce lawyer I am regularly asked what the cost of a divorce will be. The answer to this question depends on multiple factors....
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When should you consult a divorce lawyer?
Going through a separation or divorce can be overwhelming. During these times it can be very difficult for parties to focus on how to deal...
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Separation Agreements and Financial Disclosure
A Separation Agreement is a contract entered into by both spouses that outlines various rights and obligations arising out of the breakdown of marriage or...
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Child Access in Family Law
People often confuse the concepts of custody, access, and primary residence. Custody refers to decision-making authority when it comes to important decisions about a child’s...
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Independent Legal Advice – Family Law
Independent Legal Advice (ILA) in family law matters refers to the legal advice a party receives from their own lawyer. This is a fairly standard...
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Can Paralegals Practice Family Law in Ontario?
Those going through a divorce and making an appearance in court should hire a divorce lawyer Toronto — or at least be coached by one....
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The Cohabitation Agreement – The ‘Prenup’ For Unmarried Couples
If you are in a common law relationship, or about to move in with a partner, you should seriously consider a cohabitation agreement. This is...
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