The Treatment of Gifts and Inheritances in Family Law
As many people know, when couples divorce, they usually need to share any increase in the value of their property that was accumulated during the...
How much does a divorce cost in Ontario?
As a divorce lawyer I am regularly asked what the cost of a divorce will be. The answer to this question depends on multiple factors....
The Family Court System in Ontario – General Overview
The family court system in Ontario can appear complex for many. The purpose of this article is to give a general overview of the different...
You can now file your divorce online!
Yes, you read that title correctly. You can now file your divorce application online in Ontario. The Ontario government has now made it much easier...
Imputing Income In Family Law
When parties with dependent children go through a separation or divorce in Ontario, child support is an important factor that both parties should put their...
Ontario Family Law Litigation Process
In majority of Family Law disputes, it is always preferable that the outstanding issues be dealt with by negotiations which would then result in an...
Step-Parent’s Obligation to Pay Child Support
If you are step-parent and are going through a divorce in Ontario or are separating you should know the law regarding a step-parent’s obligation to...
Retroactive Child Support
After a married couple’s separation or divorce in Ontario, or a separation from a common law relationship, parents have a free-standing obligation to pay child...
Exclusive Possession of the Matrimonial Home in Ontario
In Ontario, the Family Law Act gives both spouses an equal right to possession of a matrimonial home, regardless of ownership. For individuals undergoing a...
The Division of Family Property in Ontario
The Family Law Act (FLA) governs how property is divided between married individuals undergoing a separation or a divorce in Ontario. In a nutshell, property...